On September 20, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF) and Health and Environmental Funders Network (HEFN) worked together to co-host “Participatory Grantmaking 101: Funder Peer Learning,” an introductory level […]
Fibers Fund Co-Managing Directors on the Road
The Fibers Fund team has been on the road this fall conference season, sharing updates about our integrated strategy to support U.S. natural fiber and textile producers and processors as […]
SAFSF & NASDA: 10-Years of Opportunities
The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) represents the elected and appointed commissioners, secretaries, and directors of the Departments of Agriculture in all fifty states and four U.S. […]
Building Support for WIC: Opportunities for Philanthropic Advocacy
Co-hosted by SAFSF and Grantmakers in Health (GIH) — This panel will discuss the current opportunities and challenges facing WIC, including how we can best uplift the voices of WIC clients in the policy conversation, reduce barriers to services, improve the WIC user experience, and ensure the program is adequately funded. […]
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WebinarsParticipatory Grantmaking 101: Funder Peer Learning
Co-hosted by SAFSF and HEFN. The Health and Environmental Funders Network (HEFN) and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF) invite you to join an informal conversation to learn from […]
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Webinars2023 SAFSF Forum Recap
Over 200 attendees gathered for three days in our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. for the 2023 SAFSF Forum. During our time together, we dug into deep conversations about promising solutions […]
Changing the “Debt-to-Equity” Ratio for Farmers of Color
Co-hosted by California FarmLink Join us to discuss innovations in how lenders, impact investors and funders think about helping farmers of color build equity. Most lenders limit credit based on […]
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WebinarsFarmland Access 101: Innovative Strategies toward Landscape Change
Co-hosted by SAFSF and Regenerative Agriculture Foundation Here in the Midwest, farmland access tops the list of barriers facing emerging farmers (which includes those new to farming as well as […]
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WebinarsBuilding Community of Practice Around In-Kind Support and Capacity Building
Co-hosted by SAFSF and GRACE Communications Foundation Increasing numbers of philanthropic organizations fund technical aid, increased capacity building, and in-kind support in addition to traditional forms of funding. This type […]
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WebinarsThe Food-Energy Nexus: Climate Opportunities for Cross-Sector Collaboration
Cohosted by SAFSF, Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Walton Family Foundation, and McKnight Foundation Over the past several decades, strategies to reverse climate change have focused on decarbonizing […]