

Farm Bill Platforms from the Field – AGree Coalition

The AGree Coalition is focused on driving the adoption of bipartisan policy recommendations that recognize the connection between conservation practices on working agricultural land, reduced agricultural risk, and improved environmental and financial performance. Coalition members include researchers, academics, producers, former USDA officers, and NGO leadership.  Join us for the final installment of SAFSF's Farm Bill


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Sustainable Fibers vs. Fast Fashion: Opportunities to Reshore the U.S. Fiber System

Hosted by SAFSF and The Honorable Chellie Pingree for members of Congress and their staffers Today, nearly two-thirds of all the fibers we wear and use are made from oil. The fashion industry is now responsible for more carbon emissions than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Over the past several decades, hundreds of

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In the Kitchen Call: SAFSF Network Update

Join SAFSF leadership and your funder peers for our annual membership conversation about who you are, what we’ve accomplished, and where we are headed together. This is where all the information and data you provide to us gets reflected back out to you. We'll share the latest details about: This call is open to SAFSF


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Digging In Virtual Screening

Join us for the first virtual screening of the SAFSF-produced documentary Digging In. This film is designed to help funders understand concentration and consolidation, land access, and climate change and explore the connection these issues have to their work and the work of their grantees. We hope the film will be a tool to start


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The Food-Energy Nexus: Climate Opportunities for Cross-Sector Collaboration

Cohosted by SAFSF, Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Walton Family Foundation, and McKnight Foundation Over the past several decades, strategies to reverse climate change have focused on decarbonizing the most emissions-intensive sectors: nearly three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) come from energy use for electricity, heating and transport. Nevertheless, we are expected


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Participatory Grantmaking 101: Funder Peer Learning

Co-hosted by SAFSF and HEFN. The Health and Environmental Funders Network (HEFN) and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF) invite you to join an informal conversation to learn from funder peers who are practicing participatory grantmaking (PG). We’ll begin with a brief overview of PG, and how this practice can be used to center


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Deadline: October 1—Apply to Serve on an SAFSF Committee

The application period has closed. SAFSF is accepting Committee Volunteer Applications for service on the Membership, Nominating, and Policy committees for minimum one-year terms beginning January 1, 2024. The deadline for volunteer submissions is October 1, 2023 and notifications will be made by October 31, 2023. Serving on a committee is a great way to deepen your engagement with SAFSF. You’ll learn more about

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Building Support for WIC: Opportunities for Philanthropic Advocacy

Co-hosted by SAFSF and Grantmakers in Health (GIH) -- This panel will discuss the current opportunities and challenges facing WIC, including how we can best uplift the voices of WIC clients in the policy conversation, reduce barriers to services, improve the WIC user experience, and ensure the program is adequately funded.


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In the Kitchen Call: Opportunity Areas for Funding & Collaboration in Regenerative Agriculture

These SAFSF member-only calls are designed to evoke the warmth, nourishment, and welcomeness you feel when you are “in the kitchen”. Join fellow SAFSF members for bi-monthly calls to learn about each others' work, discuss various topics, and build community. Join fellow SAFSF members to hear from Josh Cavanaugh, trustee at the Russell Family Foundation,


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Digging In Virtual Screening – All Welcome!

Come one, come all! Join us for the an open virtual screening of the SAFSF-produced documentary Digging In. This film is designed to help funders understand concentration and consolidation, land access, and climate change and explore the connection these issues have to their work and the work of their grantees. We hope the film will be a tool to

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