

Developing Business Models for Working Forest Riparian Buffers

Sponsored by the William Penn Foundation Robust scientific evidence from decades of research demonstrates the effectiveness of forested riparian buffers in mitigating water pollution from agricultural runoff. Many grant programs support farmers to plant forested buffers along streams to mitigate this source of pollution. But even with grant support, many farmers can’t afford to take

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Developing Business Models for Working Forest Riparian Buffers

Sponsored by the William Penn Foundation Robust scientific evidence from decades of research demonstrates the effectiveness of forested riparian buffers in mitigating water pollution from agricultural runoff. Many grant programs support farmers to plant forested buffers along streams to mitigate this source of pollution. But even with grant support, many farmers can’t afford to take

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Soil Health 101: Why is Everyone Talking About Soil Health?

Sponsored by Regenerative Agriculture FoundationCo-Sponsored by Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) “Can Dirt Save the Earth?” asked the New York Times.“What’s the big deal about soil? Everything,” posited Beef Magazine.“One million acres with healthy soil practices by 2030,” pledged General Mills. This webinar will explain why funders, farmers, policymakers and major food businesses are rallying around

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Soil Health 101: Why is Everyone Talking About Soil Health?

Sponsored by Regenerative Agriculture FoundationCo-Sponsored by Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) “Can Dirt Save the Earth?” asked the New York Times.“What’s the big deal about soil? Everything,” posited Beef Magazine.“One million acres with healthy soil practices by 2030,” pledged General Mills. This webinar will explain why funders, farmers, policymakers and major food businesses are rallying around

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Fracking in the Coalfields | Site Visit at the 2019 SAFSF Forum

Across the United States, energy extraction and production—from coal mining to oil drilling to fracking to petrochemical manufacturing and more—impact communities and the environment. Energy and agriculture often intersect, whether it’s a frack pad located close to a farm, a wind farm adjacent to agricultural fields, or offshore drilling and its impacts on fish stock.

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Community-Led Change in the Homewood Neighborhood | Site Visit at the 2019 SAFSF Forum

Be inspired by a neighborhood that is finding ways to innovate, leverage tremendous community resources and assets, and meet local needs through coordinated community projects. Homewood is a predominantly African-American neighborhood in Pittsburgh, home to about 6,000 residents in nine square miles, that has historically been underserved and disinvested—but is home to a wealth of

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Technology, Innovation, and Impact | Site Visit at the 2019 SAFSF Forum

Once a center for the production of steel, iron, and glass, Pittsburgh has reemerged as a leader in medicine, education, healthcare, and—relevant to this tour—green building spaces, robotics, artificial intelligence, and high-tech industries. Some of the technological solutions being developed by university researchers, businesses, and nonprofits in Pittsburgh are focused on food and agriculture system

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Soil Health and Climate Resilience in Pennsylvania | Site Visit at the 2019 SAFSF Forum

The impacts of climate change vary regionally, and farmers in western Pennsylvania are already grappling with increasingly frequent extreme weather events. Amid a growing awareness of the deep impact soil has on every aspect of our biodiversity, health, climate, water, and resilience, more folks are listening to farmers and researchers in Pennsylvania and elsewhere who

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Crafting a Regional Food System | Site Visit at the 2019 SAFSF Forum

If you want to get your hands dirty or doughy, this is the tour for you. We’ll head to Chatham University’s Eden Hall campus, a 388-acre farm turned cutting-edge learning laboratory and demonstration site showcasing sustainable solutions to issues of energy, water, food and agriculture, air quality and climate, and the interaction of natural and

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Supporting the Needs of New and Beginning Farmers | Site Visit at the 2019 SAFSF Forum

On this tour, we will learn about a variety of programs and organizations that are supporting new and beginning production farmers in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region. Although similar programs exist across the country, Pittsburgh is unique in hosting a range of opportunities, bolstered by deep and reciprocal working relationships between them, that support farmers

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