

Deadline: Apply for SAFSF Membership

SAFSF is the leading national philanthropy serving organization (PSO) for funders seeking to drive change in support of just and sustainable food and agriculture systems. Members include endowed and self-funded foundations and investors, as well as certain types of intermediaries, such as community development finance institutions (CDFIs), community foundations, funding collaboratives, and regranting organizations. Membership offers more robust opportunities to strengthen connections,

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Call for Board Nominations—Deadline Extended

SAFSF is accepting nominations for up to three (3) positions on the Board of Directors for three-year terms beginning on June 1, 2024. Please consider nominating yourself or a funder colleague to bring your perspective, expertise, and energy to the work of SAFSF! The deadline to submit a nomination has been extended to April 15, 2024.

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2024 SAFSF Membership Drive

For over 20 years, SAFSF has been home to hundreds of philanthropic and investment organizations moving capital toward a more just and sustainable food system. SAFSF offers a place to align and amplify our collective impact.  SAFSF membership offers robust opportunities to strengthen connections, foster collaboration, and build capacity alongside funding peers. Here is a

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Event Category:

Health Funders Learning Community

Last fall SAFSF connected a handful of health funders in our membership for a group call; that call led to a desire for a regular, designated space for all health funders within the SAFSF member network to learn from one another. With that, SAFSF is excited to announce the launch of the Health Funders Learning


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Event Categories:


Strategic Planning Kick Off for Members | In The Kitchen Call

Curious about the future of SAFSF? We invite you to join us as we start this strategic planning journey. As a SAFSF member, you uniquely understand the importance of this network and how it’s impacted your work. We want your input and expertise to inform our collective next chapter. Come learn about our strategic planning process

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Small Funders Learning Community

Building Grantee Relationships as a Small Funder How do you find grantmaking opportunities as a small funder? How do you build relationships with a limited capacity and a small staff? How do you support your grantees beyond the check without burning out? Join your fellow SAFSF members who identify as small funders to discuss your

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Event Categories:


Food Waste Reduction Briefing (Co-Sponsored Webinar)

Food Waste Reduction: Philanthropy for People and the Planet SAFSF is co-sponsoring this webinar aside other organizations, hosted by Community Food Funders. Up to 40% of food in the United States is wasted along with all of the resources used to produce, distribute, and prepare it. Furthermore, food production and food waste disposal generate significant

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A Deeper Look: State Level Policy Opportunities and Priorities (Co-Sponsored Webinar)

Hosted by Funders for Regenerative AgricultureCo-sponsored by Sustainable Agriculture and Food System Funders The National Healthy Soils Policy Network is a community of practice including organizers from 31 farmer-forward organizations across the country who share models, strategies and resources for advancing state and federal healthy soils programs. On this call, you will learn about the

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