

Farm and Food Business Viability for Thriving Communities

Presented by Community Food Funders; co-sponsored by the Joyce & Irving Goldman Family Foundation andSustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders Farm and food entrepreneurs in New England and the Hudson Valley are facing the challenges of climate change, an economic structure that has left rural America in poverty, as well as an ongoing history of

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In the Kitchen Call: Funders’ Role In Successful USDA Regional Food System Partnerships Proposals

USDA has announced the availability of $15.3 million in competitive grant funding for 2021 through the Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) program, with a proposal deadline of July 6. This is 50 percent more than USDA awarded in 2020, the first year of RFSP grantmaking, thanks to a combination of funding from the 2018 Farm

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What’s Up with Food and Farm Investing: A Peer Conversation with the SAFSF 2020-21 Investment Cohort

Eighteen experienced impact investors from the SAFSF network met regularly as a cohort over the past year to share learnings, address challenges, and find fellowship. This session shares a taste of the group’s conversations with the SAFSF network. During the session, investors will discuss what inspires their work, and how they think about investing in order to

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In the Kitchen Call: SAFSF Network Update

SAFSF's Network Update is our annual membership conversation about who we are, what we’ve accomplished, and where we are headed together. Join staff and Board leaders to discuss the many milestones we've achieved in the past 12 months, including: the progress of our staff and Board equity journey;governance shifts with new Directors, leadership, and committees;new program and

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Network Partnerships – Building Effective Regional Food Funder Networks, Part 3

SAFSF has helped convene or been an advisor to many regional food funder networks over the years and seen someprosper while others struggled to find their footing. This five-part series on Building Effective Regional Food Funder Networks will provide a venue for learning, sharing best practices, and discussing new resources that can help ensure your food funder network makes a difference in your region and, as part of a network of regional groups, contributes to systemic change on a national level as

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Nomination Deadline – Board of Directors

SAFSF is accepting nominations for two positions on the Board of Directors for three-year terms beginning in October 2021. Self-nomination or nominations of other qualified candidates are welcome. Click here for full description and nomination form.

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Network Structure and Purpose – Building Effective Regional Food Funder Networks, Part 1

This five-part series on Building Effective Regional Food Funder Networks will will provide a venue for learning, sharing best practices, and discussing new resources that can help ensure your food funder network makes a difference in your region and, as part of a network of regional groups, contributes to systemic change on a national level as well.

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