

Stories of Creating Sustainable Food Systems on Land and Sea

A pastor, fisherman, and ocean farmer share “real stories” of what it takes to create a just food system, proving that burgeoning markets, environmental stewardship, and supporting communities can coexist. After the 2015 Baltimore Uprising halted food delivery, Pastor Heber Brown founded Black Church Food Security Network, connecting Black Producers with Black Churches. Dune Lankard – an Eyak Athabaskan

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Building Power and Shifting the Frame: Grassroots Narratives for the Future of Food

Presented byFood and Farm Communications Fund, GRACE Communications, and The John Merck Fund The Covid-19 crisis makes painfully clear the inherent injustice and fragility of an extractive food system that prioritizes profits over people. The corporations that largely control our food systems spend billions annually on marketing that promotes a consolidated model while obscuring consequences for

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Building Power and Shifting the Frame: Grassroots Narratives for the Future of Food

Presented byFood and Farm Communications Fund, GRACE Communications, and The John Merck Fund The Covid-19 crisis makes painfully clear the inherent injustice and fragility of an extractive food system that prioritizes profits over people. The corporations that largely control our food systems spend billions annually on marketing that promotes a consolidated model while obscuring consequences for

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Racial Justice in Food Systems and Philanthropy

Members-Only "In the Kitchen" Call Executive Director Virginia Clarke and Member and Strategic Partnerships Director Renee Catacalos will host an open discussion on racial justice in food systems and philanthropy for SAFSF members. We’ll talk about SAFSF’s Commitment to Racial Justice and share resources from other PSOs and leaders in the field. This time will

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Racial Justice in Food Systems and Philanthropy

Members-Only "In the Kitchen" Call Executive Director Virginia Clarke and Member and Strategic Partnerships Director Renee Catacalos will host an open discussion on racial justice in food systems and philanthropy for SAFSF members. We’ll talk about SAFSF’s Commitment to Racial Justice and share resources from other PSOs and leaders in the field. This time will

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USDA and Federal COVID-19 Response to Sustainable Agriculture and Regional Food Systems

As food and ag funders across the country have moved to rapidly address COVID-19 impacts through rapid response funds and increased support to grantees, many have questions about how their efforts intersect, supplement or leverage government programs already in place or newly funded through Congressional action. Join us for a conversation with leaders of several

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USDA and Federal COVID-19 Response to Sustainable Agriculture and Regional Food Systems

As food and ag funders across the country have moved to rapidly address COVID-19 impacts through rapid response funds and increased support to grantees, many have questions about how their efforts intersect, supplement or leverage government programs already in place or newly funded through Congressional action. Join us for a conversation with leaders of several

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COVID-19 & Farmers’ Markets: Impact to Market Revenue and Structure

Funder Briefing COVID-19 has had an impact on farmers’ markets across the country. From working through clarifications around status as an essential service to now managing the economic impact and challenges associated with establishing physical distancing measures. Join us for a discussion with Ben Feldman, executive director, Farmers’ Market Coalition, to learn more about how

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COVID-19 & Farmers’ Markets: Impact to Market Revenue and Structure

Funder Briefing COVID-19 has had an impact on farmers’ markets across the country. From working through clarifications around status as an essential service to now managing the economic impact and challenges associated with establishing physical distancing measures. Join us for a discussion with Ben Feldman, executive director, Farmers’ Market Coalition, to learn more about how

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Translating Mission-Driven Advocacy into News Stories that Matter

Presented by the Nell Newman Foundation This virtual gathering will unite funders with food media leaders and farmers for a lively and interactive discussion about maximizing philanthropic impact through media relations. Attendees will gain techniques to help outlets see food systems work as compelling, vital stories. Learn how nonprofit media organizations are mobilizing during this

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