A pastor, fisherman, and ocean farmer share “real stories” of what it takes to create a just food system, proving that burgeoning markets, environmental stewardship, and supporting communities can coexist. After the 2015 Baltimore Uprising halted food delivery, Pastor Heber Brown founded Black Church Food Security Network, connecting Black Producers with Black Churches. Dune Lankard – an Eyak Athabaskan Native commercial fisherman – is restoring fish and herring populations that have been reduced by 96% because of the Exxon Valdez oil spill and overfishing. Bren Smith developed a replicable regenerative ocean farming model. Their stories will inspire and challenge you.
Registration for this webinar is limited to funders only. Funders are considered those organizations or individuals using grantmaking or investments as a core strategy to fulfill their mission and who make grants or invest more than $50,000 annually.