Presented by
Food and Farm Communications Fund, GRACE Communications, and The John Merck Fund
The Covid-19 crisis makes painfully clear the inherent injustice and fragility of an extractive food system that prioritizes profits over people. The corporations that largely control our food systems spend billions annually on marketing that promotes a consolidated model while obscuring consequences for human and environmental health, community wealth, and self-determination. Rural organizers are countering this spin with grassroots solutions, uplifting the voices and experiences of impacted workers and producers into the mainstream. Speakers will share examples where rural communities have organized to challenge corporate consolidation and build grassroots power, changing the story of what’s possible in our food systems.
Registration for this webinar is limited to funders only.
Funders are considered those organizations or individuals using grantmaking or investments as a core strategy to fulfill their mission and who make grants or invest more than $50,000 annually.