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Deadline: Apply for SAFSF Membership

January 29, 2024 All day

SAFSF is the leading national philanthropy serving organization (PSO) for funders seeking to drive change in support of just and sustainable food and agriculture systems. Members include endowed and self-funded foundations and investors, as well as certain types of intermediaries, such as community development finance institutions (CDFIs), community foundations, funding collaboratives, and regranting organizations. Membership offers more robust opportunities to strengthen connections, foster collaboration and build capacity alongside funding peers.

Member Benefits

  • Networking, knowledge-sharing and collaboration with SAFSF peers;
  • Access to fellow members and network data;
  • Special member-only calls and activities;
  • Discounted registration fees for all SAFSF events, including Annual Forum and Policy Briefing;
  • Entitled to invite one representative of an organization they are financially supporting to the Forum;
  • Access to an audience of other funders and NGOs;
  • Ability to help shape the SAFSF agenda and work plan; and
  • Eligibility to participate on the Board of Directors.


The missions of our members should be in alignment with SAFSF’s own mission and values, as well as the SAFSF Commitment to Racial Justice

We welcome those organizations and individuals who:

  • Operate in alignment with SAFSF’s core values;
  • Use grantmaking, lending or investing as a core strategy to fulfill their mission and relate to SAFSF colleagues as peer funders, not in a fundraising capacity;
  • Share SAFSF’s goal of increasing viability of and funding for sustainable agriculture and food system organizations and enterprises;
  • Support relationship-building, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration within SAFSF’s framework;
  • Share experiences, perspectives and expertise with SAFSF colleagues;
  • Provide financial support for SAFSF, its programs and its initiatives; and
  • Show an interest in enhancing the reputation of and expanding opportunities for SAFSF.

Participation in SAFSF events and committees is open to all individual donors, executive and program staff, and members of the Board of grantmaking or investment organizations. Development or fundraising staff are not permitted to participate in SAFSF events or to subscribe to our listserv.

Interpretation of these criteria is at the discretion of the SAFSF Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also reserves the right to review a member’s fulfillment of these criteria at any time. Members may not use their participation in SAFSF for promotional purposes or for private gain. SAFSF reserves the right to deny membership or remove a member if an applicant’s or member’s actions reflect poorly on the field and might harm SAFSF’s reputation, staff, members, or member organizations. While not an exhaustive list, lawsuits, federal or state investigations, consumer boycotts, or other significant actions against an applicant, member, or affiliated organization would raise such concern. 

Application Dates

Application deadlines are January 29, April 15, July 30, and October 15. You will be notified of a decision generally within a month of the deadline.

Membership Dues

Member organization annual dues are based on total grantmaking or investment that supports sustainable agriculture and food systems work. 

Annual SAFS-related grants or investmentsFoundation/InvestorsCDFIs/Regranting Organizations/Community Foundations

Application Process

To explore SAFSF membership, please contact membership and development associate, Angie Boone (angie@safsf.org or 805-209-4643)

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