Digging Deeper Series

Digging Deeper: Q&A on Industry Consolidation with Claire Kelloway

Dig Deeper with Digging In! Digging In is SAFSF’s first documentary film, produced by Nathan.works and underwritten by the Vatheuer Family Foundation, and was designed as a tool for funders and their grantees to explore the wide-ranging challenges of land accessconsolidation and concentration, and climate change on U.S. agriculture. The film uplifts on-the-ground perspectives and solutions across the country. 

Claire Kelloway, Open Markets Institute, joined SAFSF and the broader food systems community for a deep dive into meat and poultry consolidation through a recent installment of Digging Deeper, our lunchtime condensed documentary screening series. Featured in the film, Claire is a renowned thought leader and writer on market concentration in the food sector. Building on insights from our series, this blog post amplifies her expertise as she dives deeper into the critical issue of industry consolidation.

Claire Kelloway is the program manager for fair food and farming systems at the Open Markets Institute. She is the primary writer for Food & Power, a first-of-its-kind website, providing original reporting and resources on monopoly power in food and agriculture. She also oversees Open Markets’ policy research into the legal underpinnings of corporations and market concentration in the food sector.

Kelloway has written for outlets such as The Intercept, Civil Eats, The American Prospect, and ProPublica. She has appeared on NPR’s “All Things Considered,” Vox’s “FuturePerfect” videos, and numerous podcasts. Before joining Open Markets, she worked as a sustainability fellow with Bon Appetit Management Company and studied political economy at Carleton College.

Kelloway lives and works in Minneapolis. You can reach her at kelloway@openmarketsinstitute.org or @clairekelloway on Twitter.

Is there a story, issue, or organization mentioned in the film that you found particularly interesting or compelling, and why?

The connection between increased consolidation and greater supply chain fragility is a particularly compelling issue in the film. As climate change makes extreme weather events more common, a highly consolidated and overly specialized supply chain will make the food system vulnerable to more disruptions like we saw during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What specific changes or actions would you like to see in philanthropic practices to better address the issue of concentration and consolidation?

Antimonopoly advocacy is significantly under-resourced compared to our adversaries, the largest corporations in the world. Resources for policy advocacy, grassroots organizing, legal and economic research, antitrust litigation, and narrative-shifting work would all help hold power to account and win systemic policy changes to deconcentrate and democratize the food system.

How would you encourage local communities to actively engage with the issues presented in the film?

State attorneys general and even private antitrust lawyers are looking to challenge abuses of monopoly power, and they need to hear your stories and experiences to build cases. If you’ve suffered from abusive corporate tactics or noticed potentially collusive, anti-competitive behavior in the marketplace, do not hesitate to inform your state attorney general. So much manipulative or exclusionary business conduct that we take for granted may actually violate the antitrust laws.

Which organizations or innovative solutions not mentioned in the film do you believe are leading impactful work in addressing concentration and consolidation that should be uplifted?

Farmer- and community-led organizations have sounded the alarm on monopolies for decades. The film spotlighted Farm Action, which does great work.

Other grassroots, member-driven antimonopoly organizations include:

What stories are you currently following that you think deserve more attention?

Two of the world’s largest food commodity traders, Bunge and Viterra, are currently trying to merge. The European Union and other competition regulators have started to clear the deal, with minor concessions. Companies like Bunge and Viterra wield enormous power over the prices people pay for essential goods, as well as the prices that farmers receive for their products, and communities in the Global South stand to suffer the most from any further volatility in food prices. Most coverage of this deal emphasizes the risks of regional increases in market concentration, particularly in Canada and South America, missing the systemic threat of further concentrating the global food trade.

What resources would you recommend for funders looking to learn more about concentration and consolidation?

I cover food systems consolidation and antitrust policy in my newsletter, Food & Power. The Food & Power website has additional resources and reading recommendations on this issue. Food & Water Watch and Farm Action have also published excellent data on concentration levels across the food industry including in animal agriculture, agrichemical inputs, groceries, and more.  

All resources, organizations, and views reflected are those of the speaker.