Friday, December 8, 2023
The moment has arrived for me to pen a farewell note to all of you lovely people. How is it that these kinds of moments so often catch us by surprise even when you know they are coming?
I have been fortunate beyond measure to be a part of this community. You all have taught me so much, dared me to think bigger (and deeper), laughed with me through so many good times, and supported me during many challenging times.
As we all know, leadership changes are simply a normal and healthy part of the evolution of any organization. SAFSF is a vibrant, viable, nationally recognized network poised to launch into a next phase of growth and impact. I am excited and look forward to supporting the new Executive Director as they lead the way forward.
It was so great to be in community with many of you earlier this week during the wonderful virtual farewell organized by my dear colleagues on staff at SAFSF! It was certainly overwhelming but such a blessing at the same time. It was fun to merge my personal worlds with my professional world. I was reminded of stories I had forgotten and thankfully, no deep dark secrets were revealed – one never knows what might be shared at a retirement party! I take my leave with a very full heart.
I hope each of you will commit yourself to the long-term transformation that is so desperately needed. I also hope that you will make use of this remarkable community. So many amazing resources to be shared – and I’m not just talking about the financial resources! So much each of you has to offer. So much each of you can gain if you ask others for help. Lean into those unusual partnerships. And please, keep showing up.
Peace and many blessings,
Virginia Clarke, SAFSF executive director (2003-Jan 2024)
SAFSF will collect notes and well-wishes for Virginia through early January via our online greeting card and this super-easy video memory site. You can also make a contribution to the Virginia Clarke Legacy Fund for Equity to help us continue the important work she began.